You can easily review your Visa or Mastercard gift card's transaction history whenever you check your card balance, here.
Follow these steps:
Check your card balance:
- Check your balance here.
Enter Your Card Details:
- Provide your 16-digit card number.
- Enter the 3-digit CVV code.
View your Transaction History:
- Scroll down to view your transaction history. (See an example below)
Please keep the following points in mind:
- Processing Time: It might take a few business days for recent purchases to appear in your transaction history.
- Refunds: If you are expecting a refund, allow 5-10 business days for it to show on your transaction history.
Note: We cannot provide transaction history over the phone for our Visa and Mastercard gift cards.
For Merchant Cards:
You can check the balance of your merchant gift cards by locating the specific merchant on our website. Once you find the merchant, you will be provided with options to check your balance either over the phone or online.
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